A Path to Excellence
Our students have a proven record of success when competing for prestigious awards and fellowships on a global scale because of the opportunities provided for both graduate and undergraduate research by our faculty.
Audio Transcription:聽
Mark Keenum: 海角社区 has a proven record of success, in preparing our students for nationally competitive awards.
Jerry Gilbert: Be it a Truman, or a Goldwater, or even a Rhodes, I think our scholars from Mississippi State compete on a National level, and an international level, extremely well.
Tommy Anderson: We're confident that Mississippi State will continue to prepare students to compete for these nationally external awards.
Chris S.: We know that we provide the students with the right ingredients to win a prestigious fellowship.
Speaker 5: Students come to Mississippi State motivated to succeed. And what they find here is a community of students and faculty that give them the extra push.
Jerry Gilbert: They are challenged at Mississippi State, and I think they work extremely hard to achieve success.
Speaker 6: Departments and Colleges throughout the University give students the opportunity to do nationally competitive, meaningful scholarship.
Speaker 7: One of the things that helps students have the confidence to succeed at the National and International level is that they're mentored closely by faculty members.
Speaker 8: In the classroom, but oftentimes this mentorship extends beyond the classroom, in research labs, in conference preparation.
Jerry Gilbert: Whether it's undergraduate research, study abroad, or actually studying with a faculty member on campus in their research, I think we really prepare them well to be competitive on the National, the International scenes.
Mark Keenum: Well the credit really goes to our faculty and staff, who are doing an outstanding job of creating the student opportunities and experiences that lead to such great success.